Tuesday, July 14, 2015


   "Vanished...Without A Trace"

While recently chatting with my friend Amy Armbruster, she mentioned that she had been doing some research on people that seem to just disappear without a trace. 
  This piqued my Link Ninja senses, so I thought I would look into this mystery myself. 
What I discovered is absolutely astonishing, and has left me with more questions than answers. The number of people that seemingly "vanish" every year is staggering. And this isn't something recent. It's actually been happening for 100's of years!!  And not just one person at a time, sometimes whole groups of people. In fact, sometimes entire villages full of people!!  
  Take a look at some of the things I discovered, and ask yourself, "Where the Hell ARE these people?"

900,000 Americans “Disappeared” this year. 2,300 permanently vanish in the US without a trace every day. 96 Americans an hour. 1 Citizen every 37 seconds. 

People have been disappearing since 7BC!! (That's a LONG time ago!) here is a partial list. 
Each year, 275,000 Britons disappear 

Ten Million Missing People!  Where did they all go? 

The Mystery Disappearances of the Bennington Triangle (People go in, but never come out. So where are they?)
That's a lot of people to go "missing" don't you think?  
And a lot of different theories as well. From Alien Abductions, to slipping into another dimension. 
What do you think is happening, and where do you think all these people are? I'd like to hear from you. Tell me what you think by sending an email to: David Garrison at:


  I'd like to invite you to come join my group. We cover ALL things Paranormal, from UFOS, Ghosts, Hauntings, Shadow People & Black-Eyed Kids to Bigfoot, Monsters under the bed and Things that go bump in the night. 



To catch up on past issues of my SPECIAL EDITION NEWSLETTERS, when you get to the end of the newsletter, click where it says "Older Posts" and you can scroll through every issue. 
  Hope you enjoyed this Edition, and if you have any suggestions for future editions, drop me an email and let me know. That's David Garrison at:
Thanks for reading, and here's a link to my latest regular weekly



Saturday, July 4, 2015


             SPECIAL EDITION          
    "Reader's Encounters With
     The Unknown" Edition # 3
From Joey U:
I remember back in 2011 Oct 26th I was chillin in my sisters kitchen with the light off playin with my ipod I had at the time, and all of the sudden I heard what sounded like an air conditioner turn on. 
I said "What was that?" I looked out thru the blinds and saw this square shape moving across the sky. I yelled so that my sister and her husband would hear me, but for some reason they didn't move. I saw it move from above the house, take a turn and disappear behind some trees. When it turned, it wobbled. It was something to see
Idk if anyone remembers the drone that was shot down in Iran a few years back, but the day before it was shot down I saw something similar slowly moving across the sky where I live.
On my 30th birthday I went to work in the morning and about 20 minutes in, I heard a song named "Joey" that I had only ever heard on the radio once before. After awhile the machine I was working on broke down and my nose bled for a few minutes. 
 Then later that night I was goin home from my brothers and as I stepped outside I saw this "thing" that looked like a huge fury dark moth, and it seemed to be having a hard time staying steady as it flew away. 
 On the way home I saw a light in the sky flashing for a bit, and as I got closer to home, I heard what sounded like a "mechanical bird" fly right by me but I didn't see anything. 
 All that was on my 30th birthday. 
The day before the Jerusalem lights, as I was walking home, I saw a strange light in the sky for a moment, that suddenly just "disappeared".  As I got closer to home, I saw an orb slowly cruising across the highway.  I watched till I couldn't see it any more. It looked to be about the size of a bat but I really couldn't tell what it was.  I Live in clear lake Iowa. 

From Nocturnal Trucker:
Hey David,
 I was just looking at your "Shadow Person" Issue. It reminded me of an event I haven't thought about in a long time. I have only ever seen one of these "things". It was about 20 years ago in my bedroom. 
I woke up and "it" was in a corner of my room in front of my closet. It was in front of the window where the garage mercury vapor light shines in. 
(The garage is about 150 feet away, and the window had its blinds down)
The "thing" was pure black and seemed to be slowly changing shape like it was made of black liquid. This was the only time in any of my experiences over the years, that I felt my life was actually in danger. This "thing" hated me! I could feel it. 
I jumped out of bed and ran into the hall. This "thing" was floating just slightly off of the floor. Suddenly it shot across the room in a split second. It "hit" me with some kind of energy in my upper back that caused me to fly forward. 
I was parallel with the floor and started falling slower and slower until I stopped about 6 inches from the floor. 
I'm sure that was the beginning of an abduction. I believe this was the time when I was dropped onto the bed from a few feet in the air. 

From Carmel Rd, Fort Hill Area:
Had another awesome show in the sky tonight!
My niece was here this evening and as she was leaving, the show began!  Several (as in 3 or 4) small crafts flying close to each other, too close in fact.
Suddenly, one seemed to shoot several balls of orange lights (7 or 8).  They shot these several times all the way across the sky.  I barely had time to run and yell for Robert to look, but he did, in fact, this time he saw it too.  The "crafts" continued to fly around, back and forth for several minutes.   After about 2 minutes, a multi-colored (helicopter?) flew directly over our house, quickly and toward the small crafts, but a lot lower than the crafts.  Has anyone else reported this? It was directly over us.
My  niece tried to record it, but she was pretty scared.  I'm not sure if she got anything. Will let you know. 
 Earlier in the evening while in town (Hillsboro Ohio), we were leaving and it was dark, after 9pm.  We were at the light and I saw something above the trees to my left and looked and realized they were square lights, but too big to be a plane.  I asked Robert, "What is that?" When he looked the bottom part of whatever it was came down below the skyline and this was a long bar type thing with huge silver lights on it.  Ultimately the object was probably (from ground site and so on) 200 feet in length.  The width? Not sure about that.

Flat, lights at both ends and we both believe that we could see a silhoutte on each side of the width of it.

From an OPENLINE Member;

Daytona Beach, Florida - 7/2012: My friends and I walked to the beach around 4 am one night in Summer 2012, we saw this light on the water that seemed to be floating.  I thought it was a boat, but then it rose up into the air and was way brighter than a boat light.  Then it seemed to grow. It became big like the moon so I assumed it was the moon, but then it flew off super fast.  It disappeared sort of how the rockets disappear when they go into space. I could see the orb get smaller and smaller until it vanished from my line of vision.  I look down again and there were groups of "teenager looking" people. One of them was holding a light and staring at me, another was making weird bird like noises with its mouth. When they walked their legs seemed to be "not there".  The top half of them looked human but every time they took a step forward their legs would drop down and they would slide forward. They didn't need to pick up and plant their legs to move, they just lifted then dropped and then slid forward. Their legs were "ghost like". I rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing things but I wasnt. The group of "teen like" people WERE there. I spoke to my friend who was next to me asking if he saw what I did. He said he did. Then we looked back and the group was gone. Now that I think back, I wish I would have walked up to them and asked who they were and what they wanted but i was in shock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing back then, and still don't today -(As Reported to MUFON)

From: John Barnett:
I once had a Civil War soldier's Ghost manifest itself right in front of me in a campground along the creek in Gettysburg!!
It was so wild!  It was an orange orb on the ground that split into 2 smaller orbs, and then 2 white lights started to spin really fast around both at the same time and started forming boots like they wore back then. 
 It reminded me of 'Star Trek' when they say "beam me up Scotty".  When you made the comment in your post about the 'transporter room' I had to share this story. There is more, I'll send later. 

From Robert Blunt;

 It started in the state of Michigan. My load wasn't ready so I dropped my trailer, went back into town to a 'Barnes and Nobles'  and bought a paperback book on Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels and started reading it.  
In the book it said to wave when you go past a cemetery just to say hello.  Little did I know I'd be inviting spirits into my truck!  
I was an over the road truck driver so I passed a lot of graveyards during my travels, including private graveyards on farms. Since inviting the spirits into my vehicle, I have thousands of spirits around me. Good spirits AND bad spirits. 
 I wasn't a happy camper after awhile out there on the road, I was miserable! 
I'm driving down the road with an 80 thousand pound bullet behind me that at any given moment ANYTHING could happen. 
I took some time off back here in Memphis Tennessee, and went with a friend to Beale St. in downtown Memphis. 
If you haven't been to Memphis on Beale just imagine people constantly drinking. It has its own police department and Security guards are everywhere. Well, we started drinking at a place called "Wet Willies", where they serve 190 proof pure grain alcohol in the form of a slushy. We started drinking at 10 o'clock in the morning, and at 9 o'clock that night we're still drinking. There was a psychic on Beale Street, and as drunk as I was, I walked inside. My friend is an unbeliever but went in with me. The young lady put us out because we were both so drunk, and told me to come back in an hour, so I did.  She said "we don't do drunks well" but she gave me a reading. 
I was very calm. I just went through a bad divorce and like I said I wasn't too happy. She gave me a palm reading with both hands. I didn't tell her anything about myself, not even my name, yet she gave me my life story and she said that I was surrounded by thousands of spirits both good and bad. 
I know I have two good spirits in the truck with me, my father in bad weather,  and my best friend George. They both died in the eighties. I paid the $20 for the reading, and when I walked out of that little tea room I was stone cold sober. My friend came back  to pick me up, and we went back to "Wet Willies",  got some more drinks, and stayed there till about 4 o'clock in the morning when I went back to my truck. 
I was sitting in a parking lot with the air conditioner running thinking about what had happened earlier. Before I left the psychic she had asked me to come to her other place of business on the other side of Memphis on Sunday afternoon. Which I did. She gave me another reading and said she could help me get rid of these spirits. It would take  a while, and I would have to pay more money, but that was not a problem.  A lot has happened since then, and I have lots more to tell you. 
  I want to start by saying  that when I was young we played hide and seek in the graveyards. Good hiding places there. At the time we would  see  full bodied apparitions and orbs but had no idea what  we were seeing. They would be arms length from me and when I saw them, I'm going the other way. We could see them plain as day, my friends and I, and we would scatter. This is when I started seeing spirits. I didn't  believe in them until my 30's.
When I was 32 my best friend died. The moment he passed, I saw him. He came to say goodbye. I was laying on a loveseat, watching TV around 10pm. My Black Lab was between my legs and my terrier was on my chest. My right shoulder was facing out and I felt a full hand grab my shoulder, not to hurt me but to get my attention which he did. I could smell him, his Russian food body scent, as he grabbed my shoulder. I jumped up, the dogs went flying, and I was looking straight at him, through him, plain as day. Like I was talking to someone right in front of me. A full 20 seconds. I knew he came to say goodbye and he is still with me to this day. I can smell him around me even today and I see him.
Foot note to the last story - My friend George not only said goodbye to me, he said goodbye to my sister Nancy as well. Nancy was in her kitchen. She saw him, smelled him, could damned near taste him. The phone rang, a person calling to inform her of George's death, and when she looked to where he'd been, he was gone. 
  To this day, he's with me. I see him and smell him in my house and my truck. No matter where I move, travel, he's with me.
  In the early 70's my ex-wife had 3 miscarriages. After each one a small spirit was attached to me. To this day they're with me. They walk the walls. My dog see's them as well. They have been with me 30 some years. They're small, like children. I'm not afraid of them, they're not afraid of me. It's normal. If I didn't see them that would be abnormal.

From an OPENLINE member in
Burns, Tennessee;

I Experienced Another Alien Encounter David...
2/12/2015: I was going to go to bed last night and it was 9:00 I had to be up in nine and a half hours so I set my stove timer because my cell phone died. I set the timer for 9:22 and got in bed. As I was laying in the dark with my eyes closed I got the creepiest feeling that there was something in my house. It felt like an evil presence. I kept having bad thoughts that it might be an alien being again. It has happened so many times in the past. But I told myself to be calm and try not to think about it and I will soon fall asleep. Then I heard foot steps, walking around in my room and in the hall way. I tried to tell myself it was the dog but I have wood floors and the dogs nails make a clicking sound as well. I didn't hear her nails, just the creaking of the floor. I was so consumed with fear I didn't dare look. I also heard something messing with the door. Again I tried to just blow it off until I saw through my eye lids a strobing light. It was a quick strobe and I heard a static like pop. I sat up quick in bed and realized my computer, (which was off and not fully charged) turned on by itself. I grabbed my husband at which time he grabbed me and said he was scared and having a bad dream himself. I told him what happened and he said not to worry and go back to sleep. Then my dog jumped up and ran to the door barking like she does when the door bell rings. My husband then got up and I told him to check the yard. So he let our dog out and proceeded to check. Usually when we let our dog out she goes potty and then comes back in right away, especially when it is as cold as it was. This time when we let her out she ran out, sniffed the ground outside, stuck her head up and ran chasing something into the woods and did not return for about ten minutes. I told my husband I wanted to turn the front porch light on, and the back porch light on because I wanted to know if something was out there so he did. We got back in bed and as soon as we did we saw a fluttering light and then the front porch light blew out. I was so scared I told my son to come in our room and sleep with us. I was scared and kept waking up the rest of the night for about a 6 hour span. Each time being terrified there was something in the room with me. When I woke up in the morning I was groggy and my nose felt really stuffy. I blew my nose and it was full of blood. 

From an OPENLINE Member in Wellston, OK. 
David, I have a story for you! Last night I had to go outside to check our propane. It was right at about 1:45 am, the skies were completely clear over our house for the first time in almost a week. The snow was reflecting the moons light really brightly so there was no need for a flashlight. I looked up and was reveling in the ability to see the stars and the edges of the clouds receding from our area. I saw a dark shape with bright lights that were going in a "circular" pattern around a triangular shape. The triangle got closer and for a split second I thought about going back in the house then thought what the heck they can get me from the house as easy as from outside. I stood there and continued to watch this object approach there was no sound the temperature was somewhere in the low teens. The lights were green, blue, red and white. going around the object which confirmed that it was triangular but I describe the light sequence as "circular" simply because it was going around the outside of the "ship".  I was the only person awake in my family so there was no one to corroborate what I saw. The ship reminded me strongly of the one that my daughter and I saw a couple years ago.
it took about 3 minutes I think, absolutely no sound. and as cold as it was if anyone had been speaking within a mile of the place I would have been able to hear every word.
i spotted it at one horizon and watched it all the way past the trees on the west side of the house.

I would like to thank and                       acknowledge everyone who helped make this Special Edition 
Newsletter possible, and as always, My Special Princess Angel Brandi.            
If you have an encounter you would like to share, or you would like to know more about UFOS & the PARANORMAL, then I invite you to check out my group:     




EYES-My Collection




Until next time: