Tuesday, January 20, 2015



"Reader's Encounters With The

I recently asked people to tell of their experiences with sighting or encountering UFOS. (It's important to know that just because an object may be unknown, that doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a perfectly logical explanation for what it is, or where it's from)

  I have received so many responses to my request, I am going to have to do more than just one Special Edition Newsletter to include them all. 
  (All stories have been edited by yours truly, where necessary, for spelling & basic punctuation, everything else is exactly as told to me)
Our first story comes from
Monique Pijl.
"Well David, it was very long ago that a cigar-shaped object was floating above our house.. my bedroom was in the attic and I opened the window to get a closer look..I heard a zooming noise and the object was not that fast, it was slowly moving in the air..and it went East towards my brother's flat. As the time went on when we could not see it anymore, my brother called us and asked us in a state of panic if we had seen the UFO. We told him "yes we did see it". 
 Then on a Sunday in the eighties, my youngest brother and I were walking outside and we heard singing. I don't  know were it came from..we walked   to the train station, past the tennis courts and football fields, but could not find the source of the sound.  It sounded like angels were singing, and as far the eye could see we saw a sort of "light" or flames lighting up the sky. We will never forget what we saw that Day. 
The next UFO I saw was 2 years ago...I was walking with my oldest daughter, walking the dog, when we saw a silver "Ball" moving fast through the sky...the Sun was going down, but the Sun was 'in front' of the silver object and the light was very Bright. It wasn't a plane! There were no tail lights flickering and suddenly it was gone.  We both witnessed it.
  This is my story. It's marked in my memory forever. I will never forget what I saw!"
From Angie Sellers Walls:

   "I finally stopped going out.  For over a year now I can go out about 30 minutes after Sundown and will see, what at first looks like moving stars, but some of them are higher than others, some have lights that will come on, go off, then come back on. A few of them are really low, (these are the ones I go out to see but they are rare.)  They all seem to follow like a path.  Most in an East/West direction, with a few each night going other directions.  I have seen them sitting completely still so they look like a normal star, and then they start moving, I've been looking and one will just "appear", (I call it, turning their lights on) then slowly go across the sky. There are so many different kinds.  Usually solo but a couple of times two/three traveling together and many times two crossing paths. In my opinion, they don't want to be noticed. They seem to go about the speed of large planes and fade their light out a lot of the times but I still see them.  I've shown them to family & friends, and my 8 year old was with me most nights this past summer on the trampoline counting to see who saw the most each night.  Some respond to flashlight signals by brightening up as bright as the Sun then back to normal.  This has gone on for so long that I actually got bored, lol.  On one occasion I saw two descending to the top of trees in woods behind my land, I ran to get my phone and when I got back they were gone.
I have noticed that I can almost "feel" now, when I go outside at night, right off the bat if it's gonna be an active 15-25 seen that night or non active, less than 5.
Another thing, I never ever saw one that was extremely high speed. 
Most activity is within an hours time, and then nothing, with a few stragglers before and after the hour mark. 

  I live in East central Alabama, and just started noticing these UFOS a couple of years ago because I was walking around outside after dark talking on my phone.  Honestly, anyone around here could see these, and I've seen several of your posts and a couple of your videos on "UFOS that look like stars".  I wasn't sure at first, but knew they weren't planes (but there does seem to be a lot more planes on active nights) they "normally" have the one light that I see. (I didn't know about the possibility of seeing satellites in the night sky) Then one day I realized that some of the UFOS would actually respond over and over again to the beam from my flashlight. That's when I "knew" what I was seeing. 
  I was a sleep walker throughout most of my childhood, and this took me outside a lot at night. Being asleep at the time, I have no idea what I may or may not have seen in the night sky at the time. I don't recall having any "lost time". My fiancé has lived with me now for over a year, and he could be a reason for the recent activity.  He has a story of his own experiences that he hasn't finished, like a memoir, "The Smith's Station story.(Eddie Copeland). This is where we both grew up and we live couple miles from where everything took place in his story."
***[Editor's note:]  Here is a link to his, as yet unfinished, "Memoir"***

Smith Station Alabama 
(Long read, but very interesting)

From Sandra Rains DeBusk:

  "When I was about 19, my first husband and I lived at the back of a big long lane, in a haunted house by ourselves. Open fields and part woods all around us.  He worked nights, from before dark to the wee small hours of the morning. I stayed home. I didn't have a drivers license and I didn't have a car after he went to work so there was no way for me to leave or go anywhere. 
The house was big with 7rooms and went in circles. Every room led to another and back again.  A local black man had been murdered in this house and his blood still stained the walls.  
(I had terrible anxiety back then.) Anyway, we had Venetian blinds on all the windows, which I kept closed after my husband left for work.  The blind in the front room (the room of entrance from outside) was broken and wouldn't close all the way.  One night I was cleaning (I always did my cleaning at night due to insomnia) and as I was cleaning that front room I heard a noise on the front porch. I stopped cleaning to listen and see if it happened again and sure enough it did.  I, for some reason, looked at the window with the broken blind.  This blind had a 4 inch gap in it.  In the gap was a huge grayish white oblong eye staring back at me.  I froze! 
I then went into panic mode and flipped that rooms light out and hid behind the couch.  After only about 2 minutes (which felt like 2 hours) the whole room lit up with a bluish green like light and just as suddenly as it appeared, it vanished.  I believe I was being watched by aliens.  (As crazy as that sounds.)
  Then my first husband and I moved from that house to Sinking Springs, Ohio (back to where I grew up which is very close to where I live now).  It was there that my sister and I witnessed a band of UFOs (triangular objects that moved apart and together again) from Bainbridge, Ohio to our house on Sinking Springs Road.  
  In 2010 my daughter and I saw a golden triangle as we turned from North Shore Road to go to "Joey's Pizza" on 753.  The UFO came down below the cloud line over where we live now. It was so big that if it had landed it would have taken up space from Carmel, Ohio (here) to North Shore Drive. (About a 8 mile stretch.)
I could go on and on.  I've told you David about the most recent ones we've seen. I may not have told you about the ones just prior to the last though. I'll have to write that down & send it to you"

From Kurt Knapp:

"July 8, 1970:  We lived in a house on a hill with large "picture" windows that overlooked our town.  About 9pm one night, I noticed two large, white oval shaped lights, side by side, moving toward the hill we lived on.  At first, I dismissed it as airplane landing lights but soon realized that whatever it was, it was moving VERY slowly.
  As the object came closer, it was somewhat backlit from the lights of town, It lost altitude and I could see that edge on, it looked very wide, yet thin and had no upright tail like an aircraft.
  I called to my father and we went outside to get a better look.  By now, the object was less than half a mile from our house and it appeared that if it continued on its course and altitude, it might actually crash into our house.
  We decided we wanted more witnesses and I ran to the neighbors house, a High School biology teacher, and returned with him, his wife and five children.
  In a few more minutes we were all in our front yard, looking up at the under belly of the craft, as it passed within 50 feet of our roof.
  We could see that it was actually a very large triangular shaped object with a few blue lights here and there. As it passed overhead, we lost sight of the two white lights but could clearly make out its shape against the star lit sky. It made no sound except a very low, resonating hum that some of us didn't hear.  It continued on its course and disappeared over the hill to the West.
  My father did not want to call the local police for fear of being thought of as a crank. Also, my older brother was a rookie cop and we did not want him to get hassled by the other cops who might think he had a whacko family.
  We called the local newspaper to enquire if anyone had called them but they had received no calls.
  Later, I found out from my brother, that a number of people had called the police department that night to report the object.  The police had checked with the local airports and even called the Air Force who said they didn't have any flights in the area.
  To this day, I have never seen anything in the sky that remotely looked like that object, even after being in the Marine Corps Air Wing for several years and being around all types of aircraft.

   I have another UFO story, although I didn't witness it myself, it was related to me by several different people who did not know each other.
  August 1971, the bucolic Town of Weld, Maine.
The population of Weld, Maine struggles to stay at about 600 full time residents but is bolstered by "Summer Folks", who vacation there to enjoy one of the most beautiful, sandy- bottomed lakes in Maine; Webb Lake, or the numerous family friendly hiking trails up the magnificent mountains that surround Weld.
  I seem to remember a sort of town celebration was going on, (I believe it was Founder's  Day.) The center of Weld at the time, and it hasn't changed much since, is a "four corner cross road" with aThe General Store", a Masonic Temple, "The Other Store" ( it's real name) and a seasonal ice cream stand.  A few decrepit gas pumps stood in front of The General Store that always looked way to risky to use.
  It was in this scene that the locals had gathered in rememberance of their founders.  Suddenly, someone pointed up at the sky and all heads looked up.
  A cigar shaped object, that was later described as, "A wicked big water heater on its side", was hovering over the festivities.  Mouths gaped in awe as the object, estimated to be hovering at about 500', and at least 50' long, made a slow circle around the center of town.
  The town fathers huddled together to decide what to do and were at a loss as to what action, if any, they should take.  A very enterprising young man, also know as the town troublemaker, soon appeared with his .22 rifle and began banging away at the object. No one objected to this, remember...it's Maine, and all present heard the bullets pinging off what must have been the metal skin.
  Satisfied that he had defended his town, the young man disappeared into his house. The town fathers were overheard discussing whether they should commend the boy or call the Sherriff.  They opted for the former.
  Shortly after, the object was seen drifting away to the southeast, apparently none the worse for the target practice, and as far as I know, never to be seen or heard from again"

Name Withheld By Request;

  "I don't know if this is really a UFO story but I sure can't explain it. One night back at the beginning of December I took my husband to work and on the way home I saw a strange light that was moving in crazy ways. Then I saw two more lights headed toward it on the left and another on the right. It went back an forth from left to right like it was trying to find away out and then it just disappeared. My husband has also been seeing a strange red light that will vanish within seconds. I don't mind if you share the story just not my name please."

From Phil Lip:

   "I see them all the time.  Just yellow or white usually. I saw a tall white ship last year, it looked like a comet..but it wasn't..I see craft fly over quite regularly..I have had  browns visit me in my dreams. I have seen craft my whole life really.
i have had many lost time episodes. I have seen ghost lights and creatures of the night...not many but I have seen them.  I am in New Zealand and have been here my whole life.  I have seen things even I am still a bit vague on. 
  That's not all I see....I see them behind windows out of my peripheral vision, I see dark shadows in corners. I see black objects moving at tremendous speed that are not insects. I have insects come to me..many of them. I have had one dream of a giant spider, (like the one from Harry Potter) he was very very big, it seemed to be afraid of me.  I was afraid of its size. The dream ended soon after this emotion was reached. I was more afraid at the fact I had no sword at my side. I kinda remember asking for a weapon. I know when to leave dreams, they are so vivid, so real.  I have been to worlds, other worlds. I thought they were dreams."

Name Withheld by request:

"I'm not sure what I saw but my husband and I both saw it. It was a bright light coming towards us. Then it shot backwards and disappeared!! Craziest thing....
I know it wasn't man made!!
David, no sound just a bright light. I Thought it was a plane or planet it was that bright. Until it went backwards and disappeared....
  We lived in Oakland, CA at the time.  My husband used to take pictures at night from the deck off of our bedroom because it was darker and the sky was brighter. One night he yelled for me to come look but by the time I got there I only saw the night sky. He pointed to the SE and said he'd seen a circle of lights at a great distance that just disappeared before he could take a photograph.  He swears it was a UFO."

From Barry Ausmus:

    "I think I was about 4 yrs old when it first happened, so that puts us about the mid 1980s. Late one night while I was sleeping there was an "energy" that I could feel that came into my room. I did not understand why or what this "energy" was, just that I did not like it being there. As I woke up, I saw across the room an Oval Shaped pulsing red light. It made no sounds nor did it move. It hovered...perhaps 3 feet from the floor from what I can remember. I remember looking at this "energy" not knowing whether or not I should be scared. Very quickly I came to realize I had no motor function once I awoke. At this point I began to panic. I attempted to claw away from this "energy", as well as scream for my father to help. I couldn't move as if lifeless, nor could I scream. The "energy" began to pull me off of my bed and over to it. As I got close to it still unable to do anything accept feel horror for what is happening, I was able to see out of my bedroom to see my dad frozen in his chair while reading his paper. To be taken out of time is a very strange experience. At the end of this episode...like many others, I do not remember what happened after the "energy" took me. Although for a few years after I had strange things happen in my bedroom such as: Toys activating on their own, strange feelings of people walking in and out of "time" in my house, and the unmistakable feeling of being terrified of the sky while I would be outside playing as well as very vivid dreams of seeing strange craft coming to me. For what I have no idea. I suppose it goes without saying I was an only child too. All of these things occurred in East TN in the Appalachian Mountain area. I currently work in Oak Ridge, TN just a few miles from the Y12 facility where they built the Nukes. There are strange things in the skies around here, however random they may be. Most of the anomalies seem to hover over or near the Y12 facilities."

From Sandra Rains DeBusk:

  "I must either be blessed or I'm being punished.  I haven't quite figured it out yet. 

Before I was born, I was in Heaven.  I don't remember any certain details about it, except that I and a boy soul were at the top of long long stairs, looking down. I was on the right and he was on the left.  I heard a voice ask, "Which will go?"  It was a mans voice.  
My mom told me years later that while she was in the hospital that a young girl was in the bed beside her, also giving birth.  The woman lost her baby. It was a boy.  I lived. I was the girl. 
I knew when she told me that story, that God must have chosen me, or perhaps the boy soul and I made this agreement.  

When I was 2, my parents were bringing us kids up to see our grandparents in Sinking Springs Ohio.  They had a big farm on Pin Hook Rd, 65 acres of loved country!  We lived in Cincinnati Ohio, in the city and it sucked. 

On our way, I guess we all ended up with carbon monoxide poisoning.  Everyone was okay even though they were trhowing up with migraines, but I died.  I went to sleep and my mom could not wake me up.  I floated above her and watched as she screamed and ran with me in her arms.  She ran to a gas station restroom and turned on the sink and holding me against her in front, she splashed water in my face trying to wake me.  I floated above her as she ran out of that restroom screaming that she couldn't wake me.  She was screaming and praying.  Then suddenly as a car pulled over to pick us up, I woke up.   

When I was three years old, I slept on a rollaway bed in the same room as my two older sister's.  My cousin had recently been killed in a car accident.  She was 10 years old.  She went through the windsheild and died immediately with a broken neck.  Everynight after that awful day, I would see my cousin plain as day in our room and walking toward my bed.  Yes, I was scared.  I was 3.   Then one morning she had someone with her.  A man.  This man smacked me hard!  I screamed out and my mom ran into the room to check on me.  I told her what had happened and even though she saw the red mark on my face, she assumed one of my older sisters had been the guilty culprit.  Of course they wasn't. 

When I was 15, my sister and I slept together in our living room.  We had a bed set up in the living room because we lived in an old 2 story brick house that was very cold during the winter.  Sleeping in the living room kept us warm.  My sister and I were asleep one night and I tossed and turned a lot, so when I started moving my feet I felt a solid object at the foot of the bed.  I opened my eyes and looked and there at my feet was a woman/girl with long black wavy hair and a long sleeved full white nightgown.  She sat with her back to me.   At first I thought it was my sister and I nudged her with my foot again and spoke my sister's name. "Terri?"  The woman began to turn to look at me. My sister said, "What?"  and when she did I realized the woman at my feet wasn't my sister.  My sister was laying beside me and asking me "what"? a million times.  I began to scream.  The woman in white vanished.

When I was about 19 maybe 20, my first husband and I moved into a home back a long private road.  We had woods and open fields all around us.  This home had been the place of a terrible murder not long beofre that.  As a matter of fact, the jury was still going on about the murder and there was still blood splattered on the wall where they had shot this guy in the head and killed him.  My husband worked nights and this left me alone in this house, more often than not.  I had panic attacks all the time because of this house.  I was actually so full of anxiety that I stopped eating for about a year.  I found I had trouble swallowing and was afraid if I ate that I would choke.  I ate no meat at all.  I ate only macaroni and cheese for a whole year.  I went from a perfect 125 lbs to 92 lbs.  Maybe less.  One night while he was working and I was there alone, I cleaned house to keep myself busy and my mind off of being there by myself.  I was in the front room cleaning.  The front room had venetian blinds.  They wasn't in all that great of shape and we never bought new ones.  The one blind had a 4 inch gap in it.  I was cleaning up a storm and heard a noise on the front porch.  I stopped and listened.  I can't even swear that I had the front door locked.  I wasn't the brightest person at that age.  We just didn't think about things like that then.  As I listened, I scanned the windows.  My eyes fell upon the one window with the blind that had the 4 inch gap.  The hair stood up on my neck and I just about broke out screaming.  In that 4 inch gap was an eye staring back at me.  The eye was bigger than that gap and was pure grey.  It had to be anything but human.  It had to be an alien.  I ran into the next room and called my husband.  I couldn't breathe!  I was having an attack.  He came straight home.  He could find nothing."
        Watch for "Part Two"

If YOU have an "Encounter" you would like to share, send it to me at: DGarrison722@aol.com
with "My Story" in subject line. 

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