Sunday, February 1, 2015


"Readers Encounters"
Our first story comes from 
Sandra Rains DeBusk:

n 2010, my daughter and I left the house to run 5 minutes up the road to a little store called "Joey's Pizza".  We needed a gallon of milk.  We came to the stop sign which ended North Shore Drive and turned right or left onto St Rt 753.  We were turning right to go to the little country store.  As I pulled up to the stop sign to turn, I looked left to make sure nothing was coming and just as I turned my eyes to the right toward the store, I saw the most magnificant shape coming down below the skyline.  It came down on the right first, one side of it below the skyline. It was so big and so gold.  It lit up so brightly and yet it did not light up the sky.  My daughter and I seen it at the same time and as I turned toward the store the left side of this huge triangle came below the skyline also, revealing a complete triangle of golden light.  I parked quickly and we jumped out of the van.  I can not and she can not remember anything after that until we headed back home an hour later.  On the way home we noticed a man in his pajama's just standing on the corner of the road across from our road. He was standing staring into the sky with a blank expression.  

That night our daughter slept with us.  She was afraid to sleep alone after the UFO incident.  I was in the middle of her and my husband.   I woke up from what I thought was a nightmare.  I remember laying on a cold table. A metal feeling table.  My head was being held still by something and I couldn't move it.  There were lights above me and as I strained to get loose, I screamed.  I moved my eyes (because they were all I could move) and went from left to right.  On my right, looking down at me, was a tall bluish/grey alien with large black eyes.  

Not long after that, my daughter and I were coming home after dark, from town.  We turned onto North Beach Road headed over to North Shore Drive.  There had been an accident on St Rt 50 and so turning off kept us from being stuck in traffic for a long time.  As we turned my daughter started yelling and scooting down in her seat.  I asked her what was wrong and she said "Don't you see that UFO? It's chasing us mommy!"  I leaned down to look past my windsheild and sure enough she was right. It was right over top of our car!  It was a neon blue UFO and it was moving in zigzag motion.  She crouched down as far as she could trying to hide from it.  I couldn't, I was driving.  But then just as suddenly as it had shot down above us, it shot back up. 

Not long after these two incidents with UFO's, I was inside our home one night in my little office on the computer.  It was dead of winter and had been snowing a lot.  As I sat there I heard the weirdest noise.  It was chirpping sounds.  Loud and constant chirpping.  I stood up and put on my robe and went outside to the side of our place.  The moon was bright against the white snow covered ground.  I could still hear that loud chirpping. Suddenly from the corner of another (empty house) came 2  still yellow baby chicks running.  I leaned down with my two hands out, palms opened flat and they ran and jumped right into each of my palms.  I brought them up closer to my chest and carried them inside to the warmth.  My kids raised them for quite sometime.   The thing is and this is what makes it so weird, baby chicks are not available like that dead of winter and they surely don't run in that area even when they are available.  This was way out of the norm.  

Just recently we moved.  We now live in a remote area on a back road with woods all around us.  My husband and I were coming home one night and just as we turned onto Carmel road, which led to our road, my husband saw the most amazing thing! He saw an alien.  He drew a picture of it as soon as we got home, before he forgot it by chance.  Robert is such a natural born skeptic and has always prided himself on not believing in aliens or UFO's or ghosts etc...  He has always said, "I don't believe in anything, no matter what, until I see it for myself."  Well, he saw it himself.  He now believes. 
   (You may remember the "strange creature" I posted about a few weeks back, it was Sandra's husband who saw it)
We had forgotten before this that when we first moved here he had installed motion lights. He's very untrusting of people and thought because we are way out in the country that someone might try to break in or steal from us, so motion lights went up on every corner of the garage and house and dog kennels.   He and I and our daughter were coming home way after dark one night when we just about reached the driveway we saw one of the motion lights come on and then another.  I said, "Robert, someone or something is in our driveway up by the house."  Just as we went to turn into our drive and he hit the gas pretty hard to make it up quickly, I saw movement in the field beside our house. "Robert, look.  There are two men running from the house!"  He and Sarah saw them too.  2 dark figures, leaning forward beside each other and legs bent weird. They were running fast. Robert jumped out of the car, gun in hand and took off for the field yelling at them to come back so he could shoot them.    

The next morning we noticed that there was a circle in our yard that had not been there previously.  It was a perfect circle and perfect green.  It is still there and it is still green, even with the winter and the snow.

This story comes from
David Peterson:

"1990 while steaming toward the Persian Gulf in the Indian Ocean to support Operation Desert Shield aboard the USS Midway (CV-41), I was standing the mid watch on the bridge. At about 1 AM the port look out on the bridge wing called in a large object descending about 3,000 yards off the left side of the ship.
  We immediately checked the SPA25 radar and found nothing on the screen. The 5 man bridge crew was about to brush it off when suddenly the bridge was filled with what can described as flashing lights of a police car. Red, white, blue strobing lights. We all looked leftward out the window and saw flashing lights outlined in the sky about 100 feet off the ocean. It was about the same size as our aircraft carrier. 
  From my vantage point I could not see any discerning shape to the craft, just the lights. Suddenly all power was lost to our ship. We went dead in the water, dark and dirty (that's a navy term for a ship that lost propulsion and power). The craft that came out of the sky hovered silently for about 30 seconds. How could a ship that large make no sound as it hangs in mid air? 
It suddenly made a loud sound like a whale heard on sonar and started to ascend upward slowly until it reached about the height of a 30 story building and then sped upward out of our atmosphere. 
Power returned to our ship. (Power on a naval vessel does not come back on its own. Boilers need to be relit and that's a 45 minute procedure.)
 I was about to record the event in the ship's deck log but the officer of the deck instructed me to strike the event from the official record."

From Reyx:

Once upon a time:
When I was an irresponsible 15 yr old, My Father convinced a Judge to agree to  send me to a PrepSchool in Pennington N. Jersey, instead of sending me to a state run reform school. 
I really was not criminally kept running away from my Mother; who, I realize now...WAS insane.
  So, one day in the English Class, run by an interesting, unconventional teacher, the teacher alluded to the phenomena of Mental Telepathy.
I, & two other students, challenged him to prove it.
He responded by offering to send us a telepathic message, that night, at 8 PM
That night when 8 PM arrived, I stopped what I was doing & waited.
I remember trying to keep a clear mind & 'listen' for his message.
In the middle of my own mental dialogue, I heard the word "DON'T".
It was NOT my mind's voice.
I continued thinking, 'Don't what'?  trying to figure out the rest of the message.

The next day, in class, two other students, and myself, approached the teacher's desk with each of us having written the word, 'DON'T', on a
piece of paper.  The teacher turned over a paper, that was already on his desk, with the word...'DON'T'  written on it...

This was a mind changing event, for me.
As the year progressed, 
that teacher had a serious influence on my Intellectual Being.

One night, I & my two new found friends were in a cemetery hanging out watching a clear summer night sky & enjoying our freedom when 4 lights appeared in the corner of the sky.  They appeared to start in a corner of the horizon and quickly, in perfect formation, make a perfect ark together, and then disappear into another section of that horizon. They did
not appear, again.
We called the police dept. & asked if there were any reports of anyone else seeing this occurrence.  Nothing had been reported.
I don't remember exactly who else we called but there were no other reports.
Since then, to now, I have heard & read many other people's recounting of their personal experiences; one in particular of a woman that expressed to me her experiencing a hovering vessel, that she believed was going to abduct her.  She explained she shut her eyes & prayed & thought of her children...& pleaded, mentally, for them not to take her.
When she next  looked up, the vessel had vanished.  

There have been millions of sightings.  Including one event that occurred over the White House in the 1940's, as well as the first journey into space by John Carpenter when he saw a vessel hovering along side
the ship that he was traveling in.




David Garrison - My Visitations


  If you have had an "Encounter" you would like to share, send me your story to:
With "My Story" in the subject line. 

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